Invisiclues Hints for "Hollywood Hijinx"

Hints for "Hollywood Hijinx", adapted (with permission) from Infocom's original Invisiclues hint books.

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Around the Grounds

How do I get inside the house?

Is there anything I should do with the statue of Buck Palace, the fighting letter carrier?

I can't get past the water buffalo in Charo's kitchen. What should I do?

What should I do in the hedge maze?

Hey, the secret location in the maze isn't any different from the other spots in the maze! What gives?

How do I open the small compartment under the cannon?

Where can I find a source of fire?

How do I open the hatch at the cliff?

Is there a way to get the ladder up the cliff face?

How do I get across the gap in the beach stairs?

First Floor

What should I do with the fireplace?

Is there any significance to the painting of Uncle Buddy and Aunt Hildegarde?

Oh! I found a wall safe! How do I open it?

What do I do in the closet?

Is there anything I can do with the sawed-off peg in the closet?

Can I do anything with the hole to the left of the first peg?

What's the point of the model of downtown Tokyo?

What is an Atomic Chihuahua?

How can destroy the tanks?

How do I defeat the puny planes?

How should I deal with the Japanese marines in the park?

How can I stop the missile from destroying the Atomic Chihuahua?

How can I tell the Atomic Chihuahua to take the Big Diamond Ring?

The Chihuahua has the Big Diamond Ring. Now what?

I'm pressing the red button but the Atomic Chihuahua is only gagging. What's wrong?

How do I get up the stairs in the foyer?

How do I get to the second floor?

When I show the slide, all that appears on the screen is a blur of colored light. What's going on?

When I show the film strip, nothing appears on the screen. What's the matter?

Am I a victim of subliminal advertising when I show the film strip?

Okay, what am I supposed to do in the Projection Booth?

Is the box of Cuban cigars important?

What can I do with the piano?

Is there a way to enter the passage to the north of the crawlspace?

How do I raise the ceiling in the crawlspace?

How do I remove one of the pillars?

The Second Floor

How do I open the panel in the ceiling?

I know that there's a room above the second floor, but I don't know how to get there.

What the heck is a newel?

What's so unusual about the newel?

How do I get the velvet sack?

The Cellar

What can I put in the computer's slot?

Egads! How do I remove the floppy disk from the disk drive!

Okay, how many cards will I need, and where will I find them?

Do I have to insert the cards in any order?

I've put the cards into the computer in the correct order. Now what?

The Attic

The attic? What attic?!

Hey, the trunk won't open! What should I do?

The Beach and Beyond

Is there a way to climb back up the beach stairs?

What should I do with the small, smoldering fire?

I'm swimming in the ocean. I'd like to swim underwater, but the undertow here is too strong for me. What to do?

I keep running out of air when I'm swimming underwater. What should I do?

What do I do with the squid?

Gee, it's awfully dark in this cave. Is there any way to get some light in here?

How do I open the hatch in the bomb shelter?

How do I get out of the bomb shelter?

How do I open the safe?

Is there a way to return to the cliff from the bomb shelter?

Prop Vault

Prop vault? Have I missed something?

How do I deal with Cousin Herman?

Yow! Uncle Buddy doesn't look so good. What should I do?

Ack! How do I shut off the buzzsaw??

General Questions

What are these pieces of paper with lines on them?

I found a note and a peg. Where do I go?

The Ten Treasures

How Points Are Scored

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