Invisiclues Hints for "Seastalker"

Hints for "Seastalker", adapted (with permission) from Infocom's original Invisiclues hint books.

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Sample Question

What kind of diet is Tip on?

The Lab

Why is the alarm bell ringing?

The picture and sound on the videophone are fuzzy. What should I do?

How can I get better reception on the videophone?

How do I finish my conversation on the videophone?

Why can't I walk away with the microphone?

Why did the videophone conk out?

How can I fix the videophone?

What is the storage closet used for?

Why does Tip always follow me around?

Why does Sharon Kemp look embarrassed?

Is there anything I should look at in the file cabinet?

How do I get out of the lab building?

Where is the submarine?

Why won't the submarine start?

What should I do with the catalyst capsule?

The Scimitar

How do I get the Scimitar moving?

Should I set my throttle to slow, medium, or fast?

The Scimitar is overheating! What should I do?

How do I open the engine access panel?

How can I fix the regulator?

How do I keep from disturbing the machinery in the crawl space?

How to I use the sonarscope?

How do I use the depth finder?

How do I use the hydrophone?

How do I use the temperature gauge?

The Bay And Ocean

How do I keep from getting hit by the speedboats?

How do I find my way through the bay?

Ships keep running into Tip and me. What should I do?

Where is the Aquadome?

What is the Friendly Mermaid trying to tell me?

The Aquadome

How do I enter the Aquadome?

Now that I am at the Aquadome, what should I do?

Why is everyone having trouble breathing?

How can I fix the air supply system?

Where is the Fram Bolt wrench?

Is the black box useful for anything?

Should I let Mick examine my sub?

Why does Commander Bly want to talk to me?

Do I need the emergency survival unit?

What is that oddly shaped metallic object?

What happened to the air supply system?

Is Commander Bly in love with anyone?

I found a "mushy" diary. What should I do with it?

Amy Lowell asked to borrow the Scimitar. Should I let her?

What do I do with the dart gun?

What about the "49er" Prospecting Bazooka?

How do I know when I'm ready to leave the Aquadome?

What does the fine grid do?

Who put the stew in the galley?

Is someone trying to kill me?

What should I do with the syringe?

Hey, where is Bill Greenup going and how can I stop him?

I'm ready to leave the Aquadome. What should I do?

The Battle

Where's the Snark?

I have spotted a cloud of silt ahead. Should I continue?

How did Sharon get in the Sea Cat?

Is Sharon a traitor?

Is Tip a traitor?

Am I a traitor?

Why can't I get around the Snark?

What should I do with the dart?

What should I do with the bazooka?

How Points Are Scored

For Your Amusement