Invisiclues Hints for "The Witness"

Hints for "The Witness", adapted (with permission) from Infocom's original Invisiclues hint books.

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Sample Question

Why did trusty Sgt. Duffy cross the road?

The Clues

What crime am I supposed to investigate?

What if I don't go in the house?

How do I enter the house?

Is there anything special about the windows?

What are the buttons used for?

Should I investigate the can of worms?

What significance do the clocks have?

What use is the broom?

What can I learn from the mystery book?

Are the handcuffs useful?

Will the matchbook help me solve anything?

What should I do with the threatening note?

Can the radio tell me anything?

Can I conclude anything from the records?

What should I glean from the newspaper?

Is there anything useful in the workshop?

Is the car key a clue?

Does the cat have any significance?

What can I learn from the footprints in the back yard?

Can I determine anything from the footprints in the side yard?

Will the footprints in the front yard help me solve anything?

What if my cast doesn't match anybody's shoes?

Who rings the doorbell?

Who calls on the phone?

Does Monica really go to the movie?

Why would Monica want to go to the movie?

What does Monica do in the workshop?

Why does Monica go into the kitchen?

What prompts Monica to enter the office?

On what occasions does Phong enter the kitchen?

What does Phong do in his bedroom?

Why does Phong go outside?

Where is the key?

What can I do with the cars?

How is "O.K." really spelled?

What is Linder's plan?

What is Monica's plan?

What part does Phong play?

What is Stiles's plan?

How does Terry fit into the scheme?

Why does Duffy arrive at the house?

What is Linder's motive?

What is Monica's motive?

Does Phong have a motive?

What incentive does Stiles have to commit the murder?

Can you establish a motive for Terry?

How does this story end?

How do I prove my case to the satisfaction of a jury?

What are the possibilities when I make the arrest?

For Your Amusement