Hints for "Wishbringer", adapted (with permission) from Infocom's original Invisiclues hint books.
More Infocom Invisiclues Hints
Action | Points |
Enter the Post Office | 1 |
Take the mysterious envelope | 5 |
Take the old bone | 1 |
Feed the bone to the poodle | 3 |
Take the note from Miss Voss | 3 |
Take the gold coin | 1 |
Arrive at Cliff Edge | 1 |
Give envelope to old woman | 5 |
Read letter to old woman | 1 |
Take metal can from old woman | 3 |
Frighten troll with snake | 3 |
Take the small stone | 5 |
Remove dead branch from pit | 5 |
Take the silver whistle | 3 |
Take the wizard's hat | 1 |
Give wizard's hat to pelican | 5 |
Buy ticket | 3 |
Take the 3D glasses | 3 |
Take the blanket | 3 |
Cover beast with blanket | 3 |
Take the earthworm | 3 |
Take token from fountain | 3 |
Put token in arcade machine | 1 |
Transport to Hilltop | 5 |
Open the drawbridge | 3 |
Take the rusty key | 3 |
Unlock your chains | 1 |
Read the violet note | 3 |
Turn the crank | 1 |
Turn off second power switch | 3 |
Take the steel key | 3 |
Unlock the library door | 3 |
Put small stone in sculpture | 5 |
Action | Points |
Fail to take the violet note | -10 |
Disturb the pile of leaves | -10 |
Give small stone to vulture | -10 |
Give small stone to pelican | -10 |
Torture the Princess | -10 |
Torture the black cat | -10 |
Feed grue's milk to Chaos | -10 |