Invisiclues Hints for "Zork I: The Great Underground Empire"

Hints for "Zork I: The Great Underground Empire", adapted (with permission) from Infocom's original Invisiclues hint books.

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Sample Question

How many grues does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Above Ground

Where do I find a machete?

How do I cross the mountains?

How do I kill the songbird?

Is the nest useful for anything?

How do I open the egg without damaging it?

How do I fix the broken canary?

Are the leaves useful for anything?

How do I open the grating?

How do I get off the roof of the house?

Once I have the canary in an undamaged state, what do I do with it?

How do I get the brass bauble?

How do I open the front door?

How do I get into the house?

Can I eat the lunch?

How do I get into the dungeons?

What is a grue?

The Cellar Area

Can the trapdoor be opened from below?

How do I get up the ramp in the Cellar?

How do I negotiate with the Troll?

What do I do with the axe?

Does the paint in the studio mean anything?

The Maze

How do I get through the Maze?

What do I do with the rusty knife?

What do I do with the skeleton?

Can I use the broken lantern?

How do I get past the Cyclops?

The Round Room Area

How do I get the platinum bar?

How do I kill the rock?

Is there anything special about the mirror?

How do I enter Hades?

Can I get anywhere from the Dome Room?

Can I go up from the Torch Room?

How do I get out of the Temple area?

The Dam Area

How do I blow up the dam?

How is the control panel operated?

What is the green bubble for?

What do I do with the object which looks like a tube of toothpaste?

What is the screwdriver for?

What do the buttons in the Maintenance Room do?

Can I stop the leak?

What is the pile of plastic good for?

Old Man River

Can the river be crossed?

What will placate the River God?

How do I get back from across the river?

How do I control the boat?

How do I carry a pointy object onto the boat?

How do I go over the falls?

What is the significance of the rainbow?

How do I get through the crack in the Damp Cave?

How do I turn myself into an insect?

The Coal Mine Area

What do I do about the bat?

How do I get beyond the Smelly Room?

How do I find my way through the coal mine?

Is the basket on the chain useful?

How do I get through the narrow passage from the Timber Room?

What source of light can I bring into the Drafty Room?

What is the timber for?

How do I use the machine?

What is meant by the "Granite Wall" in the Slide Room?

Is the coal good for anything?

Is the gas of any use?

The Land Beyond the Chasm

How do I cross the chasm?

How do I build a bridge?

Why doesn't the magic word "plugh" work in the land beyond the chasm?

After the meteor strike activates the long-dormant volcano and destroys the bridge, how do I get back across the chasm?

General Questions

Why does the sword glow?

What do I do about the Thief?

How many points are there in the game?

How do I get out of the dungeons?

What is the significance of all the engravings?

How do I kill the Thief?

How can I recharge my lamp?

What happens when you die in Zork I?

Who is "the Other Occupant?"

How do I go over the falls without killing myself?

Where is HELLO SAILOR useful?

Why do things move and disappear in the dungeon?

Where are the treasures the Thief took from me?

What do I do with the stiletto?

Who is the lean and hungry gentleman?

Where can I use the shovel?

Is there any significance to all the granite walls?

Which object is best for casting images?

How do I get into the Strange Passage?

How do I get into the Stone Barrow?

How Points are Scored

Progress Points

Treasures: Their Values and Locations

For Your Amusement

Words You May Not Have Tried