Invisiclues Hints for "Zork Zero: The Revenge of Megaboz"

Hints for "Zork Zero: The Revenge of Megaboz", adapted (with permission) from Infocom's original Invisiclues hint books.

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surviving Megaboz's attack

getting the scrap of parchment

saving Dimwit from the evil witch

Great Hall Area

opening the portcullis

the four torches

about the cauldron

reading the rebus

opening the walnut

East Wing

opening the door in East Hall

Encyclopedia Frobozzica

using the wand

Tower of Bozbar

large arched door

magic goggles

West Wing

opening the door in West Hall

riddle of the West Wing

winning Peggleboz

jester's shell game

flying the dirigible

Secret Wing

getting into the secret wing

getting the iron key

magic glove

magic cloak

getting the fly

getting out of the Oubliette

Torture Chamber ticking noise

cobwebs in the Cell



Bailey/Village Area

opening the drawbridge

opening the locker

Ursula Flathead

opening the doors at Perimeter Wall

URS Office riddle

pigeon and perch

climbing the FrobozzCo Building

Lower Levels

opening the vault

getting the brass lantern

Testing Room booths


G. U. Highway

Construction site

the jester's middle name

getting past the toll gate

crossing the fissure

entering the rest stop

Port Foozle

giant sandcrab


playing Double Fanucci

Room of Three Doors

Lake/Desert Area

royal yacht


that darn squid

Philharmonic Hall


crossing the bridge

riddle of the four men

riding the camel

riding the unicorn


bowl of elixir

Crag & Environs

getting to the lower ledge

Enchanted Cave

hexagonal hole

getting back to Flatheadia


surviving the climb down



getting back to Flatheadia


Help! I'm lost

toad and spyglass

riddle of the lily pad

getting back to Flatheadia

Fublio Valley

opening Megaboz's trap door

opening Megaboz's trunk

getting the four-gloop vial

toe fungus

getting back to Flatheadia


entering the mine and surviving

picking up the club

that darn black bird

helping the witches, part 1

helping the witches, part 2

getting back to Flatheadia


travelling in time

stopping the Endless Fire

the moss salesman

returning to Flatheadia






borphbelly stew


explain the geography

explain the puzzle

getting back from the Plain

The Jester

read this note about riddles!

killing the jester



that pesky bedbug

funny paper

General Questions

permanent light source

goal of the game

all those key-shaped buttons

getting the flies

As a Last Resort

Read this note first

Use this section as a last resort if you can't find the information you need anywhere else in the hints. The first part is a list of the 24 items you need, and where to find them. The second and third parts are a list of how all 1000 points are scored.

The Flathead Items

How all points are scored

For Your Amusement

Read this note first

These are for your amusement after you have completed Zork Zero. We recommend against looking at these before finishing, since many of them give away the answers to various puzzles.

Things to try around Flatheadia

Fun at Fenshire

Stuff to try beyond the oracle

Fun with magic

Things to try anywhere

Fun things to do with the jester

Encyclopedia entries